88 miles per hour.
That’s the speed that Doc Brown told Marty he had to reach in the Delorean in order to time travel(see Back To The Future if you are confused at this point).
Doc had installed something special into the Delorean though… The Flux Capacitor. It WAS the secret. It was what “made time travel possible”.
Obviously, time travel was Doc’s #1 mission. He was obsessive.
As entrepreneurs and business owners, our mission is to create more and more customers with a service or product that makes their life better in some way.
Add value.
Bring goodness.
This mission brings a problem though. You need a flux capacitor…something that will do the “hard” work for you so that you can do more with your precious treasure called time.
Something that will help you “cheat time”.
After all, you can’t be all things to all people ALL the time.
Enter email marketing, the flux capacitor your business needs to scale up to the next level. Imagine having your message, idea, story and product offer in front of thousands at one time?
Now, you CAN cheat time…
Email Marketing: The Numbers
Leverage email marketing as fast as you can. Like, Lebanese terrorists in the VW van fast(another Back To The Future reference…).

Claim Your Free Funnel Hacker Cookbook TODAY and learn how to leverage sales funnels with email marketing.
Email marketing is possibly the single greatest source of ROI that you can get your hands on.
Check this out:
- Consumers who make purchases through marketing emails spend 138% more than those who do not receive email offers.
- 93% of online consumers interact with brands through email, more than any other platform. Email remains an integral component to any marketing campaign.
- 70 million US consumers check email on mobile devices.
- People who buy products advertised through email spend 138% more than people who do not receive email offers.
“According to a recent study by e-commerce software firm Monetate, 4.24% of visitors from email marketing buy something compared to only 2.49% of visitors from search engines and .59% from social media.”
I could drown you with more “stats”, but the point of the matter is that you can’t find another medium of advertising that will produce what you want more of: revenue.
Email Marketing: It’s Scalable
You as a person can’t be in more than one place at a time. You are NOT scalable. We know that as a painful, self-evident truth.
Nurturing a customer base and persuading more and more prospects to “jump in” with you requires scalable activity.
With a well built email list, you can launch a surgical wave of communication in a matter of seconds to thousands. Add in an email autoresponder and you have a recipe for the best business casserole you can possibly cook up.
Speaking of autoresponders, here are some you can look into…there are hundreds:
- Mailchimp(I use this one)
- Aweber
- Mailjet
- GetResponse
- Emma
- Tiny Letter
Imagine how many salespeople’s salaries you would have to underwrite in order to have the kind of reach a single email could have? Imagine the added “people problems” you possibly undertake when you hire enough people to this kind of work?
I’m not against salespeople on your staff…not at all.
But, it simply doesn’t always make sense to go in that direction before capitalizing on the power of email, as demonstrated by the stats I shared above.
Email Marketing: More Control
In sales and marketing, control is everything. Knowing numbers and creating predictable patterns of lead acquisition and customer creation is what allows businesses to thrive.
Email allows you to drive QUALIFIED traffic to your website, e-commerce storefront or landing page whenever you want.
Social media can too, it just doesn’t work because of its decentralized nature. Paid traffic can, but they aren’t yet qualified like your email list is.
Therefore, this kind of control makes email the highest converting form of advertising.
Final Thoughts On Email Marketing
There’s no magic switch here. But, there are small, easy things you can do that will make a BIG difference in a short period of time on your email marketing approach.

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That’s why I’m launching now GroovyMarketing.com subscriptions. You can be a charter member before prices go up dramatically.
Groovy Marketing helps growth-focused-entrepreneurs scale their business.
Every monday, we’ll email you 3 PDFs, each containing an email tactic that you can apply to your business immediately. This way you can continuously try out new tactics to discover which ones help your email marketing sales grow. We’ll show you exactly how to do so.
There is no silver bullet to radically increase sales with email marketing. The trick, however, is to continuously have little experiments to find which email strategies work for your business in your niche. That’s how Groovy Marketing will help you grow your business.
Every Monday you’ll receive email marketing tactics that are:
-Super actionable & step-by-step explained
-Instantly applicable
-Free (or extremely cheap) to do
-Saving you tons of time
-Helping you earn more money
You can visit www.groovymarketing.com to learn more about this new endeavor. The first 100 people will be Charter Members and their price will never go up and they will always get upgrades, special treatment and VIP status.
It’s like having an email marketing nanny…a nanny that is bringing home the bacon for your business. Sign up while space, price and time is on your side.
Grab your flux capacitor for your email marketing strategy.