**Since I wrote this originally, we have officially received our Two Comma Club frame!**
The Two Comma Club is an elite group on online entrepreneurs bound together by two things: they have reached one million dollars in revenue and they use Clickfunnels.
As I write this post, my company is preparing to cross the coveted threshold of $1 Million in revenue. After 9 short months, we have come to the place where most entrepreneurs dream of.
The Two Comma Club is at our doorstep. Membership into this “next level” is within our grasp.
I can’t wait to clutch the Two Comma Club frame that Russell Brunson rewards his tribe with when they climb the summit. As an avid Clickfunnels user and affiliate reseller, I’ve had my eye on the Two Comma Club accolade for a couple of years.
By month 8 of our company’s short life, we had grossed $873K, just a little under one month of revenue away from the Two Comma Club. In the following, I’m going to tell you the framework I used to get there and what you should do now to get there yourself.
Two Comma Club Pathway Step #1: Read This Book
I don’t want to be the book recommendation guy, but…
When I read Dotcom Secrets, my business life changed forever. My mind was opened up to so many options that I had. Now for some. that might sound overwhelming. But believe me when I say, you have no idea what you are missing out on until you scrummage your way through Russell’s book.
He literally outlines secrets. Not flash in the pan stuff, but actual applications from his own two comma club journey. He also highlights specific sales funnels that you need in order to build a successful online business. Like, he literally draws them out with stick figures and walks you through the cadence of a high converting sales funnel.
Read this book if you haven’t yet. I don’t want to be “that guy”, but read the freaking book…for real.
Two Comma Club Pathway Step #2: Know Your Numbers
A Two Comma Club company knows their numbers…their financial metrics. I check them every day.
Every. Single. Day.
I have a dashboard that I check sometime multiple times a day. It not only gives me visibility, but allows me to lead my company and team through changes necessary to keep momentum.
And if you know anything about entrepreneurship, you know that momentum is HUGE. Whenever you catch it, keep it. There is no way to keep it if you don’t know all of your metrics.
There are tons of metrics that you COULD monitor. But here are the main metrics that I micro-manage:
Cost Per Lead
Cost Per Acquisition
Sales Conversion %
Average Cart Value
Lifetime Customer Value
I use Cyfe as my dashboard interface. I love it. It syncs up with all my major apps that include the above metric activity. Cyfe allows me to consolidate my dashboard into one interface.

Get Your FREE Copy of the Funnel Hacker’s Cookbook Today!
Once you have these metrics NAILED and you keep them in front of your brain every single day, you’re on the right track to get to the Two Comma Club.
On to the last secret…
Two Comma Club Pathway Step #3: To Go To The Next Level, Get Coaching At The Next Level
This is a universal truth: If you want to go to the next level, you need to get someone from the next level to show you the way. A lot of us call that coaching. You may call that mentoring. Whatever the semantics are you need help from people who have already been where you want to go.
For me, that person is Russell Brunson. He has gone through the fire that I needed to go through in order to reach my goals. So I invested in Russell’s coaching.
Now my company is a two comma company on its way to a 8-figure business.
Below is a FANTASTIC training(one of my favorite) by Russell where he goes on a deep dive through what it takes to get your first million and beyond.
CLICKFUNNELS BONUSES: When you use my affiliate link in the above button, you qualify for my bonus trainings.
My Clickfunnels Bonuses Include:
– Facebook Marketing Madness Training Course – How To Launch High Converting Ads In Any Niche
– My Clickfunnels Basic training course
– 23 Pre-Built Sales Funnels that you can import directly into your Clickfunnels account.
– How To Rank Youtube Video Fast – Mini Course
– Access to a 100 Day Social Media/Affiliate Marketing Bootcamp
– Unlimited email support so I can help you with your sales funnel that you build with Clickfunnels
– Training on how to set up custom domains for free inside your Clickfunnels Account
– My roadmap to email marketing course
– My funnel hacking playbook so you can mimic what other successful online entrepreneurs do with their sales funnels
– 1 Free Copy of Russell Brunson’s book, DotCom Secrets
– Free Training Video On How To Increase Sales By 150% with ClickFunnels
Read this post now for the best, most informative inside information on Clickfunnels Platinum.
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