
What are Lead Funnels? What to Know and How To Use Them to Fill Your Sales Pipeline.

By February 12, 2020 February 18th, 2020 No Comments

What are Lead Funnels? What to Know and How To Use Them to Fill Your Sales Pipeline.


Josh here with Groovy Marketing and today I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about lead funnels and explain the best practices on building lead funnels with Clickfunnels. I should probably start by saying, I’m a pretty big fan of Clickfunnels. I’m one of their top affiliates, a 2 Comma Club Winner, and one of their dream car winners. 

I drive both of my businesses with this tool, and all of my sales funnels are built with Clickfunnels. One of my businesses is a 6 figure business, the other is a 7 figure business. And it all started with using Clickfunnels to generate leads.

Now let me assure you my success with Clickfunnels and my online businesses didn’t happen overnight. I had to just start. And that is the BIGGEST thing that keeps people from starting an online business is literally just starting.

What Are Lead Funnels?

Let’s break this down. I want to talk about what a lead is first.

A lead is someone who has shown interest in your offer and provided their contact information so that you can continue the conversation.

What’s tricky is that a lead could be someone who came up to you at an event, asked you about your product, and gave you their business card to schedule a product demo.

So then you lose track of all your leads, you lose track of where they are in the sales process and you get confused about how to organize them.

A lead funnel is not only the most efficient way to generate leads but also the best way to keep track and make sure they are exactly where they need to be in the process.

I talk a lot about sales funnels on my blog and how vital having an intentional sales funnel is to grow your business. A lead funnel (lead generation or acquisition funnel) is basically a sales funnel except the main focus isn’t to make a sale, it’s to generate leads.

From there, you can do so much with those leads. You can store those leads in your database and convert them at a later time, you can pass them on to your sales team, or you can put them in an email drip campaign and market to them that way.

Either way, if you’re looking for quality leads to fill your sales pipeline with, building a lead funnel with Clickfunnels is a great way to get started.

The Three Components of Lead Funnels

A lead funnel has three major components in itss function. Proper lead management is focused on three parts that serve as the backbone of your lead generation funnel.

Lead Capture

lead-funnels-landing page

The first component in a lead funnel is to of course capture the lead. In order to maximize your efforts, you need to understand the critical components of the product you are marketing, the message you want your prospects to grasp. Here are a few tips on crafting your message when using Clickfunnels for lead capture.

1. Use a Powerful Headline

The headline is the first thing your visitor will see on a lead capture page. People need to know exactly what it is you are offering. Your headline not only needs to be captivating but also explicit, otherwise they’ll be bored, confused and ultimately will leave the page.

There are many ways to create captivating headlines in marketing. But when crafting headlines for a lead capture form, get straight to the point. Write compelling and specific copy that says exactly what you are offering.

2. Elicit Trust and Authority

People have all the consumer confidence in the world right now, but when they are conducting an online search, what they’re really looking for is someone they can trust. Trust is a major issue for internet shoppers. Online businesses are essentially faceless businesses and most visitors to your website have never heard of you. So why should they hand over their personal contact details?

Position yourself as the expert in your industry. Include evidence that supports the claim you are making. Use data, and customer testimonials to elicit confidence and trust from your prospects when building lead funnels with Clickfunnels.

Lead Qualification

The next component of every lead generation funnel is lead qualification. Not all leads captured are viable or qualified as a sales-ready lead. So it is important that the prospects undergo lead qualification to determine if the lead can become a true marketing or sales-ready lead, which eventually can become an opportunity, or if the prospects need further nurturing. Here are some pointers on how to qualify a lead.

1. Know Your Customer Avatar

In order to know if you have a quality lead, you must know your customer avatar. Who is your target audience and does this lead fall under this category? Do they meet the criteria of the buyer profile you extensively researched and compiled? If your customer avatar is real estate agents, is this person an agent or a loan officer? In order to qualify a lead, you must know who your customer is. 


2. Know the Difference Between Interest and Intent

A quick glance at a lead’s activity can tell you if they are interested or have actual intent in purchasing. Take a look and see where your leads are going to on your site. Are they looking at, blog posts, and webinars? This kind of activity definitely shows interest in your company, but does not mean that these leads are ready to buy. Looking at your pricing page or requesting a product demo on your site, on the other hand, indicate that a lead is showing intent. These are your hotter leads and you should be spending more of your time nurturing them.

Lead Nurturing

The last component of a lead funnel is nurturing. Do you have proper strategies in place to keep reaching out to your leads? Clickfunnels can help. According to MarketingSherpa, 79% of marketing leads never convert into sales. A lack of effective lead nurturing is the common cause of this poor performance. It’s important to keep reaching out to leads and delivering your marketing message over and over. Here are some tips on how to do just that.

1. Start The Nurturing Process ASAP

First, strike while the iron is hot and contact the leads as quickly as you can! According to Harvard Business Review report Firms that tried to contact potential customers within an hour of receiving a query were nearly seven times as likely to qualify the lead. More so than those that tried to contact the customer even an hour later—and more than 60 times as likely as companies that waited 24 hours or longer.

2. Set Up Automations

Most lead nurturing strategies involve setting up a simple email drip campaign that sends out emails to a list of prospects, and while email marketing is not going anywhere and will remain a necessity, you need to be implementing other strategies in your lead funnels.

According to Hubspot, almost four out of five marketers say their email open rates don’t exceed 20%.

With the help of powerful marketing automation platforms, savvy marketers are now executing multi-channel lead nurturing strategies. Some of these other channels include texting and Facebook Messenger. When setting up automations, remember to have strategies in multiple channels so that leads have a better chance of seeing your message. Clickfunnels can help you set up automations so you can efficiently nurture your leads.

How to Build Lead Funnels Using Clickfunnels

Now that we’ve talked about the components of lead funnels, I want to explain more how Clickfunnels can help you build your lead funnels

Step 1: Have A Lead Magnet

Before you even start building your lead funnel with Clickfunnels, the first thing you need to do is have a lead magnet. A lead magnet is something of great value you give your lead for free in exchange for their contact information.

Examples of lead magnets include eBook samples, articles, webinars. Whatever it is, it needs to be limited and exclusive content.


Keep your lead magnet simple. The more complicated it is, the more you may convolute your message and confuse your leads.

The simpler your lead magnet is, the better it converts.

Step 2: Build A Landing Page

Your next question may be, “How do I get people to see my lead magnet?” That brings us to our second step. To get your lead magnet to convert, you need to build a landing page to promote it. 

Your opt-in landing page is going to sell your lead magnet. It’s going to explain the value behind the lead magnet and tell people why they should want to download it. Create a list of all the benefits of your lead magnet, including the problems it solves and processes it simplifies. The copy should be focused on advertising the end benefit the potential client will get if they provide their contact information to receive it.

Again, use numbers, stats, and testimonials when you can to add credibility.

Make sure your download button is big, colorful, and prominent. Keep it above the fold so prospective clients can’t miss it.

Building a landing page with Clickfunnels is simple.


Pick a Template

Clickfunnels has a FANTASTIC marketplace of landing page templates. Literally, all you have to do is pick one. Gone are the days of complicated coding.

Write Excellent Copy

After you pick a template, then all you need to do is fill in the template with the copy that conveys your offer. Take your time doing this. Remember that you want to convey your offer quickly and effectively. The message that you craft on your landing page is crucial to the conversion. Spend time doing this.

Attract Traffic

You’re going to need to fill that funnel full of visitors for your landing page to do its work. Luckily, there are a ton of options to get traffic to your landing page. Here are just a few options.

Google Ads

Facebook Ads/Social Media Ads

Organic Search Traffic

Organic Social Media Posts

Email Campaigns

STEP 3: Build Nurturing Strategies

By this point in your lead generation funnel, your prospective client has converted and is on your email list. Now it’s time to automatically follow-up via an email drip sequence.

Clickfunnels can help you connect with hot leads.

Clickfunnels can help you connect with your leads immediately after they fill out your lead form. With Clickfunnels, you can set it up to where it automatically sends an email when they give you their contact information. This will optimize your lead conversion rate and show them how reliable and dependable you are as a real estate agent.

Clickfunnels helps you deliver content.

With Clickfunnels you can create and send email drip campaigns to your leads. For any lead to easily convert into a customer, you have to nurture them. Email drip campaigns with Clickfunnels is the best way to deliver your educational content to prospective clients. You can automate your email campaigns to make sure it gets to your leads at the right time.

Lead Funnels Conclusion

Building lead funnels with Clickfunnels is how I’ve built and grown both of my businesses. With Clickfunnel’s easy to use software, you can start generating leads for your business now. You just have to be willing to start.

Lead Funnels Bonuses


If you’re looking to get more predictable closings and change your real estate marketing game with Clickfunnels, I’m defintiely here to help. When you sign up for your 14-day Free Trial with Clickfunnels with me, I provide a ton of bonuses for you teaching you the best practices of Clickfunnels. We all know that you can’t beat FREE…and you can certainly experience free with their 14-Day Trial here. Disclaimer: At no extra charge to you, I get paid a commission when you sign up. As a “Thank You” I provide you with bonuses–LOTS OF THEM!

Sales Funnel Blueprint: This is my Clickfunnels Basic Training Course, with everything you need to know about how to build the most high converting funnels and how to drive traffic to them. There’s great stuff in this course that you don’t want to miss. From copywriting to driving sales, this course has everything you need to market your product.

Dream Car Marketing Course: This course is a comprehensive training teaching you all my secrets on how I became one of Clickfunnels’ top affiliates and a Clickfunnels Dream Car Winner. This course gives you access to a 100 Day Social Media/Affiliate Marketing Bootcamp. If you’re looking to make some extra vacation money for your family, (and looking for your dream car) this course is for you.

Youtube Traffic Formula: It shouldn’t be a secret that now more than ever people are consuming content through video instead of reading online. That’s just the world we live in today, and if you’re looking to be relevant in the online marketplace with video, you need this course! This course teaches you how to get people to see your product and service on Youtube by giving you the tips and tricks you need to rank your Youtube videos fast. Want your Youtube videos at the top of the search? You need this course!

The Funnel Hacking Playbook: My funnel hacking playbook so you can mimic what other successful online entrepreneurs do with their sales funnels

The Moneyline Adshop Facebook Training:  Facebook Ads can be frustrating for many people to use. But I’ve built my 6 figure and 7 figure businesses by garnering traffic through paid social media ads. If you want to know how to build and launch high converting Facebook ads in any industry, this course is for you.

My Roadmap to Email Marketing Course– You may think that email marketing is dead, but it actually one of the most effective ways to get people to become your loyal customer. This course is all about increasing your open rate by teaching you how to provide value to people so that they will start to know, like, and trust you and become one of your biggest fans. Want to increase your open rate in emails? This course is for you!

Two Comma Club Funnel Blueprint– This training is on everything you need to know about setting up custom domains for free inside your Clickfunnels Account! Need to know the ins and outs of Clickfunnels and setting up domains? This course is for you!

All My Other Bonuses:

– 23 Pre-Built Sales Funnels that you can import directly into your Clickfunnels account.

– Unlimited email support so I can help you with your sales funnel that you build with Clickfunnels

– 1 Free Copy of Russell Brunson’s book, DotCom Secrets

– Free Training Video On How To Increase Sales By 150% with ClickFunnels