In my experience most entrepreneurs find themselves 2 inches from the diamonds, but never push through because their past experience is telling them a false narrative about success.
Take your sales funnel for example, most people sign up for a tool or a course and think “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED”.
They want the treasure of other online business owners they see crushing it.
But, in reality, they are digging for diamonds with rubber hammers.
Then you get frustrated and quit.
You MUST reverse engineer success.
#1. Model the masters. Funnel hacking has been popularized by Russell Brunson and the Clickfunnels team. It is important for you not reinvent the wheel. See what other entrepreneurs in your market are doing successfully and create your own version of it.
#2. This leads funnel mapping. Funnel maps are crucial to you having a consistent, organized approach to building your high converting funnel. A funnel map is a graphical representation of your funnel that includes the lead magnets, the one-time offers, the bump offers, the auto-responders, the call to actions, and the order forms and thank you pages needed for your funnel.

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#3. You need an ad strategy. This requires you to deeply analyze the psychology of your dream customer. You need to articulate and document their deep pains, hopes, beliefs, enemies, allies and general definitions of success. From these observations, you can generate copy and ad strategies based on what would work best at agitating your customer avatar…and thus getting their attention.
#4. You need a project plan. Videos, PDF’s, lead magnet creation, content for courses, webinar scripts, email copy…blogs. All of what I call “satellites” that orbit inside your sales funnel galaxy. You need a plan to develop each of these assets that your sales funnel requires. Otherwise, they will be your bottleneck and a primary reason for “failure to launch”.
#5. You need a coach. Someone at the next level so they can help you navigate the choppy waters of business. If you want to go to the next level, get coaching at the next level. I, for example, pay Russell Brunson $25,000 a year to be in his Inner Circle mastermind. It’s worth EVERY penny.
#6. You need tech support. Just this week, I was building an autowebinar funnel for one of my own businesses. If you’ve never done it before, and you’re not super techy, it will make you want to pull your hair out. Luckily, I have a solid base of technologists on my team that I could reach out to for support.
Without the above, you’re gonna feel like you are slowly chipping at a cavern wall with a rubber toy hammer.
Grasping for treasure, white knuckling your way to frustration.
I’m offering Funnel Blueprint Days to entrepreneurs like you…who care about their business and believe their time is more valuable than $100 per hour.
What do you think your time is worth?
Stop trying to build something on your own. 90% of people working on a sales funnel in a vacuum fail.
The “old you” had a dream and a desire.
Use the new opportunities at your fingertips and battle this narrative in your brain that tells you that you can’t do it or that the tools at your fingertips don’t work.
They work, if you have a plan and a blueprint to the madness.
Work smarter, not harder.
Drop your “this doesn’t work, I can’t do it” mind set at the door.
P.S. Funnel Days are for existing business owners who already have revenue. This is not for newbies. To learn more and qualify by application, visit
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